The Fox Valley Park District maintains 172 parks, each with its own distinct characteristics. The District also owns and maintains 22 miles of river shoreline, 25 lakes, 63 park shelters and more than 2,600 acres of open space. Park amenities include 101 playgrounds, 48 basketball courts, 27 outdoor tennis courts, 107 ball fields fields and 83 soccer fields.

  • Hours
  • Park Guidelines
  • Parks in Progress
  • Hours

    Trails, Neighborhood and Community Parks
    From dawn to dusk.
    For additional park information, call 630-897-0516

    Park Guidelines


    All dogs must be restrained by a leash not longer than six feet.


    All persons fishing shall abide by all game laws of the state of Illinois and possess a valid Illinois Fishing License as required by law with proper game stamps.


    No hunting, mistreatment of animals or trapping is allowed anywhere within the Park System.


    With the exception of Cool Acres facility (with proper application), no alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Park System.

    Motorized Vehicles

    Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the nature trails, off a paved roadway or parked on the grass.


    No motorized boats, sailboards or jet skis allowed on any water under Park District control. No motorized model boats or airplanes.


    No rollerskating or rollerblading on tennis courts. Skating is allowed at Hupp Skate Park, located at the corner of Illinois Avenue and Orchard Road.


    Fires are allowed only in proper receptacles.

    Fox Valley Park District Rules & Regulations
    Fox Valley Park District Park Police & Public Safety

    Parks in Progress

    Please visit our Projects Update page for improvements to our parks and trails.

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