101 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, Illinois ● 630-897-0516 ● Directions
The Fox Valley Park District is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners, which approves all policy and financial decisions, and also appoints the Executive Director, along with the Park District attorney and auditors.
In 2017 – for the first time in the Park District’s 70-year history – residents took to the voting booth to elect seven commissioners from three two-member districts, and one commissioner at large. View map of representative districts. Previously, all board members were appointed by the Kane County Board chairman.
By lottery, four commissioners were selected to serve four-year terms, with three commissioners to serve a two-year term with four-year terms thereafter, if re-elected. Elections for Fox Valley Park District commissioners will be held on the first Tuesday in April of odd-numbered years, beginning in 2019, as part of the consolidated general election.
Chuck Anderson
District 1
Term expires April 2025
Marea Berkley Clement
District 3
Term expires April 2025
Jerry Butler
District 2
Term expires April 2027
Mary Anne Cummings
District 2
Term expires April 2025
Matt Hicks, Jr.
Vice President
District 1
Term expires April 2027
Aimee Cisneros
District 3
Term expires April 2025
Joe Grisson III
Term expires April 2025
Open Meetings of the Board of Commissioners are to be held at a minimum of six (6) times per calendar year and are normally held on the second Monday of each month as listed on the board approved meeting schedule. Deviations from the second Monday may occur in months where a legal holiday falls within the first two weeks of the meeting month, or at the discretion of the President or Executive Director.